A day to remember as all sections of the club came together to take on the Everest Challenge – travel 9,000 metres in one way or another – and their was plenty of variety as Minis, Midis, senior players, coaches, physios, committee and supporters all did their bit to support the #DoddieGump to raise funds for DoddieAid as part of Team Glasgow.
Some photos below with a fuller selection of slightly blurry images in our Gallery here: https://ghkrfc.com/gallery/
Some of the kilometres clocked up by GHK ‘gumpers’ on Sunday.Kayaks, families and cyclingThey ran by day, they ran by night…Taking in the sights, one of the club’s closest bromancesAnyone seen a river? Reaching the heightsAnother night shift or was it an early morning start down on the farm?
Part One the run; part two the garage tidyMan’s best friend providing some companyAre we nearly there yet?The President and Bar Convenor setting out from OA after admiring the new signage.Gordi must be one of the fittest refs around after all the miles he’s been clocking up.Picturesque, but hope that spire can be removed painlessly! Mission accomplishedTour de Milngavie completed.Take care on the way down!All the right gear and many miles covered. Apparently they were allowed on the course dressed like this.Rules officials apparently still studying evidence of ’embedded ball’ claims by Fergus and Peter after they sneak a narrow victory over Jim!
Anyone wishing to donate can still do so at https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/DoddieAIDGlasgow
SELECT * FROM (SELECT a.*, l.image as team2_logo
SELECT r.id as fixture_id, r.competition_name, r.date, r.time, r.team1, r.team2, r.season, l.image as team1_logo
FROM wp_e1b349da27_fixtures r LEFT JOIN wp_e1b349da27_team_logo l on LOWER(r.team1) = LOWER(l.name)
) as a LEFT JOIN wp_e1b349da27_team_logo l on LOWER(a.team2) = LOWER(l.name)
WHERE (LOWER(team1) like 'ghk %' or LOWER(team2) like 'ghk %') and competition_name not like '%(Women\'s)%' and competition_name like '%National League Division 2%' and season='2024-2025') tb, wp_e1b349da27_crawler_index ci WHERE tb.fixture_id >= ci.start_id and tb.fixture_id <= ci.end_id and table_name = "wp_e1b349da27_fixtures" and STR_TO_DATE(ci.crawl_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%T") in (SELECT MAX(STR_TO_DATE(crawl_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%T")) FROM wp_e1b349da27_crawler_index WHERE start_id > 0 AND end_id > 0) order by fixture_id asc limit 1