GHK Rugby Annual Club Dinner Players Table Ticket.
Welcome to GHK Junior Rugby Club. We look forward to enjoying the 2024/25 season with you and your child. This registration process ensures the club has all relevant details to create a positive rugby season and ensure the wellbeing and safety of your child. Please fill in all details as completely and accurately as possible.
We will use the details for the Main contact to keep you up to date on training and match plans, club news and events, along with getting in touch in the event of an emergency or change in training and game day plans. The second contact will only be used in an emergency.
Relationship to the PlayerMotherFatherGrandparentAunt/UncleGuardianCarerOther
I give permission for this player to be filmed or photographed for use by the club on our website, social media and in relation to any marketing. Information about my child will be used in accordance with the GHK Child Protection and Well Being Policy.
I give permission for this player to be transported by persons or parents representing GHK Junior Rugby Club for the purposes of taking part in rugby activity.
See below details of membership costs and payment. Only those players who have paid their subscriptions are eligible for the first match in September 2024.
Subscriptions can be paid annually or monthly (total cost divided by 10 and paid over 10 months)
Membership Prices
Junior Membership - £90
Double junior Membership (2 junior players in a family) - £150
Triple junior membership (3 junior players in a family) £210
Social Membership - £25 This gives parents or others the opportunity to book the pavilion facilities for events at no cost and to receive a Membership Card giving 10% discount card for use in the pavilion bars and a 50% reduction on admission to 1st XV home games (Currently £5 instead of £10).
*This membership entitles you to a GHK discount card that gives you 10% off all food & drink purchases at the bar in the Pavilion.
I declare that the above information is correct. In signing this form I agree that the above named player shall be bound by the regulations, bye-laws, general regulations and directives of the International Rugby Board and the bye-laws and resolutions of the Scottish Rugby Union and the rules of GHK RFC. I understand personal data about the above named player (including parent contact details) in this form for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 2018 (“the Act”) will be kept by Scottish Rugby Union plc (“the SRU”) and GHK RFC for the purposes of (i) player safety and (ii) contacting you. As well as being held by the SRU and GHK RFC, I understand that this data will be processed by the SRU in the following ways: disclosure to medical advisors and other lawful third parties; and disclosure to rugby clubs (including non-affiliates of the SRU), all within the terms of the lawful purposes specified in the SRU’s notification to the Information Commissioner under the Act, and I consent to this processing. I and my child also agree to abide to the Scottish Rugby Code of Conduct for Players, parents and other spectators.
Payment Options: Card PaymentDirect Debit