Finlay Aherne


Nickname: ?

Profession: Student

Best personal rugby memory: Watching Woolard score a chip n chase n tell the entire club about it for the next 6 months.

Who is your role model: Luke Olivier’s moustache

Favourite sport outside rugby: Football

Which football team do you support: Celtic

Where can we find you on a Saturday night: In the  Cluhouse or in Hillhead Bookclub

Favourite movie: Ice Age

Favourite song: Seventeen going under, Sam Fender

Your preferred beverage of choice

Team mate with the best banter: Leo Ryan

Team mate with the worst fashion sense: Callum Woolard, dresses like he’s on the PGA

Which team mate would you not like to be stuck on a island with and why: Callum Woolard, because he’s Callum Woolard

Which fictional character describes you best and why: Donkey. Full of the chat, clueless to what’s happening