GHK RFC are saddened to learn of the passing of David Halliday, former player and mini rugby coach at the club. David was a supremely talented player and was an avid supporter of the club. He will be sadly missed at Old Anniesland.
Our deepest condolences and thoughts are with Davids family and friends at this extremely difficult time.
SELECT * FROM (SELECT a.*, l.image as team2_logo
SELECT as fixture_id, r.competition_name,, r.time, r.team1, r.team2, r.season, l.image as team1_logo
FROM wp_e1b349da27_fixtures r LEFT JOIN wp_e1b349da27_team_logo l on LOWER(r.team1) = LOWER(
) as a LEFT JOIN wp_e1b349da27_team_logo l on LOWER(a.team2) = LOWER(
WHERE (LOWER(team1) like 'ghk %' or LOWER(team2) like 'ghk %') and competition_name not like '%(Women\'s)%' and competition_name like '%National League Division 2%' and season='2024-2025') tb, wp_e1b349da27_crawler_index ci WHERE tb.fixture_id >= ci.start_id and tb.fixture_id <= ci.end_id and table_name = "wp_e1b349da27_fixtures" and STR_TO_DATE(ci.crawl_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%T") in (SELECT MAX(STR_TO_DATE(crawl_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%T")) FROM wp_e1b349da27_crawler_index WHERE start_id > 0 AND end_id > 0) order by fixture_id asc limit 1